Saturday, March 5, 2011

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:
广商陆、水蕉花 Costus speciosus or Crape Ginger

学名 Scientific Name:

Costus Curvibracteatus

科別 Family Name:
闭鞘姜科 Costaceae

属別 Genus Name
闭鞘姜属 Costus

原产地 Origin:
东南亚 Native to southeast Asia

植物照料 Plant Care: 

其他注释 Others Note

红花闭鞘姜(Costus curvibracteatus)是多年生宿根草本花卉,花部各器官颜色变化多样,花色艳丽,花期较长,且繁殖容易、抗病能力强,广泛用于斜坡绿化、平地美化、配置图案、点缀花坛等园林景观布置,也可作盆花及庭院观赏花卉.

Costus Curvibracteatus is a wide leave plant with distinctive red flowers that can bloom all year round when conditions are right. The branches grow in a spiral shape, distributing it's beautiful wide leaves as cover for the ground. This plant looks beautiful when there is a whole lot of it growing together with spots of bright red flowers.

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